
Welcome. My name is Catherine Garza and Rehema is my Ugandan friend. I wish I had begun this blog from the very beginning because the journey of our friendship has been exciting and full of stories. When I met her, Rehema had just come from her home in Lira, Uganda on a Ford Foundation scholarship. She had just begun to work on her graduate studies in Health Education here in Austin at The University of Texas. There is a huge gap in our story from then to now. She is currently living with our family and continuing her studies. I often wish I could share our days with friends and family so they could experience the richness of living with someone from such a different culture, country and environment. Hopefully, this blog will give those interested a taste of our experiences.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

He Went Before Us!

In my last post I ended by saying that I was praying for God to go before us in the school registration process. I was nervous about the TB testing and the fact that our school systems are not comparable and the problems that my cause enrolling Churchill. Well, this morning I found out that Churchill's transcripts were in London (long story), not in his possession, like I thought. We were about to leave for the high school and so we began to scramble to get them sent here by fax or email. It was 7pm in Uganda, but Rehema was able to reach a teacher by skype and he said he would email them tomorrow. I continued to pray that God would handle all the details and tried not to freak out.

Poor Churchill looked so disappointed when I told him that I wasn't certain they would accept him as a student without his transcripts. He had spent all morning getting ready...he cut his hair, shaved, showered and had just come out to ask me if he was dressed alright. I told him that we would go anyway and see how far we got.

The first thing that happened in the registrar's office completely took me off guard. They looked in their book that confirms your school district by your address and told me that we are actually in the Austin High School district. I told them, "Well, that's interesting, because I have one son who has already graduated from here and one currently enrolled." I assured them that no, we did not transfer and that I was certain this was our high school. After a few minutes, they realized that the book is poorly laid out and terribly confusing, and that I did, in fact, reside in the McCallum school district. What a relief! I was trying to figure out how I was going to break it to Logan that he would have to start fresh at Austin High!

After that, it was so simple. The nurse had no issues with his shot records or TB test. The paperwork was all in order, and the registrar just said that he would have to be in the system as a 9th grader until the transcripts come in. Next we went to his counselor to select his classes and she enrolled him in 11th grade English, US History, Calculus, Anatomy and Physiology, Speech, and Steel Drum Band. So he ended up in classes with his peers and was actually excited about his math and science kid!

Truly, God did get to the office first and prepared everything in advance. It was especially evident when the counselor asked where they were from and she said her priest, Father Isadore, is from Uganda....she loves Father Izzy!

Tracy's enrollment went so easily and quickly...paperwork took all of 5 minutes and she was walked down the hall to Mrs. Thomas' class...who, by the way is the sweetest teacher. Meagan had her and loved her. All the first grade teachers are great, but she oooozes sugar. She will be very patient and kind with Tracy while she gets used to the new schedule, the accents, the interaction with new kids, and the school work.

So, we now have a new Lee Roadrunner and McCallum Knight in the family. All seems so right in Austin, Tx this afternoon. God is good. He gave me this encouragement today, just to drive the point home that I had nothing to worry about all along...
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. -Matthew 6:28

PS: Thank you Deanna for all the moral support and for going with us. You kept me laughing when I wanted to freak!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finally...It's time for School!

Well, we have finally finished getting all of the shots and tests required by ASID to enroll Churchill and Tracy in school. The biggest hurdle was the TB test which may read positive because of the BCG vaccine they receive in Unganda against TB. Today they were given Quantiferon tests at the health department which does not react with BCG, but will still show whether they have been exposed to Tuberculosis. The Austin/Travis County Health Dept. recommends that they are able to enroll as soon as the test is administered if they have no symptoms. So we will go to Lee Elementary and enroll Tracy in the first grade tomorrow! She is so excited...before they left for Florida, she said she would rather go to school than to Disney World :)

I am trying to take one step at a time and not worry about anything unless it becomes a problem. I am a little nervous that McCallum High School will not accept Churchill as a student because by Uganda's standards, he has graduated high school and completed one year of vocational college. However, he just turned 17 last November and had completed 10 years of school when he finished what they call high school. We just need to be able to convince the registrar that we are not comparing apples to apples with our school systems. My good friend, Deanna, will be going along since she has lots of experience registering students from other countries. I am praying that God will go before us as He has in everything else concerning these children.